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New Year, New Start, New Confidence!

Writer's picture: Style with WisdomStyle with Wisdom

Bam! Here we find ourselves at the start of 2021 and although I am very aware that the end of 2020 is blending a bit too much into 2021 (that's a whole other conversation!) I will still confidently say that you are totally in control of making changes for yourself for a new year!

I know the first thought on everyone's mind is right, new year, new diet, lose weight, get fit, drink less be wholesome but why set yourself tasks that will likely make you miserable and at the risk of sounding negative, you may fail!!!!! Ekk! Not that I want to be negative, but the new year is beginning to feel like it is starting very much how March 2020 ended so lets not completely fall down that dark whole of despair! Lets take control before it all gets out of control! Lets start by thinking completely about you and investing in you!

Artwork by Nickie Kelly

This year, your work space may be looking like a more permanent change, you may have been made redundant, you may be thinking about launching a new business, you may have started a family and want to rethink your everyday wardrobe or you may just be soooo fed up of the wardrobe contents you are seeing every day you just need some inspiration and lift to get excited about what you have again! If it's any of the above or anything else then I am here to help!

We hear a lot that if you feel good on the inside then that's what counts and whilst eating well and exercising is important, I am going to be controversial here and say that actually, if you like what you see on the outside then the good you feel on the inside begins to come naturally! Essentially, what I am trying to say is stop telling yourself you need to change what you are on the inside and get to a goal weight before you allow yourself to look fantastic on the outside! Start with the outside! Start by dressing yourself fabulous, sexy and with all the confidence in the world and the rest will follow! Dress yourself awesome for NOW!

This is where I come in to help! I support you to see beyond your age worries, your budget concerns and your size or shape vulnerabilities. I learn who you are and what your lifestyle and personality is and we dress you for that! Trust me, it's uplifting and you will stop caring about age, size, weight or any of that as all you will care about is how great you look and how amazing you feel!

So, if you weren't lucky enough to get a gift voucher for Style with Wisdom this Christmas or haven't got yourself booked in for 2021, then what are you waiting for???? Lets have a chat and find something that works for you! If I have learnt anything through COVID it's that everything is adaptable and flexible to change so we can work together to create a service that works perfectly for what you need!

Wardrobe Edits

Feeling great about your style, or creating new looks isn't always about spending money and hitting the shops. Sometimes it is as simple as having a set of fresh eyes look over what you already have. So many of my clients have come away from a wardrobe edit session with me feeling blown away with so many new combinations they can wear that they had never even thought about! Nothing new, just all their existing bits but new combinations created! Ways to wear things that were not seeing the light of day!

All of a sudden you have a new found excitement for your new wardrobe, with it organised in a manner to make it quick and easy to put outfits together, so that everything you have for that season is visible and more chance that you will be wearing closer to 80% of your existing wardrobe than rotating just 20% of it which so many of us do! If you know what is in your wardrobe, how to combine it and can see it, then you will wear it!

These sessions are great fun, nostalgic and a great start to your body and style confidence journey. Everything is documented for you to keep so every morning is easy to remember what goes together! Saves you time as well as money!

Click here for more details.

Full Virtual Style

Hitting the shops right now is a pretty impossible which I personally am very sad about and now finding incredibly hard! For anyone who hates shopping I know this is hard to even believe but its something I love! I also know that for anyone who hates physically hitting the shops then the online world can be even more daunting with just so much choice offered and no clue where to even start!

A virtual style is a great way to update your style in one hit with an extensive personalised look book that creates outfit combos you can visualise together but which also demonstrates how pieces can be mixed and matched ensuring versatility and efficiency with what you are buying! The outfits are advised with footwear options and accessories too, so leaves you no doubts as to what goes with what or how you can wear anything!

The bonus of these personalised look books is the ease of shopping too! Every item is linked so anything that takes your fancy just click away on that item and the you are taken directly to it on the appropriate website, so you just select your size and into the basket it goes! This saves you time, effort and stress and can even make the whole process fun and exciting! Yes!!!! The look book is then yours to keep for ease of future dressing and even future shopping inspiration!

Once all your new pieces have safely arrived, either via a virtual meeting or a visit to your home, I will then help you style your pieces together and make them work with your existing wardrobe pieces.

Click here for more details.

Mini Look Book

This is great for a small and as regular as you like wardrobe top up! It is a smaller version of the Full Virtual Style above and allows you to just shop as regularly as you choose to add some newness to what you have or to gently move your style on or introduce you to new brands!

It is a great service to use in isolation of any other service or if you are new to using a personal stylist. They have also proven popular with existing clients who have previously had a Wardrobe Edit, Personal Shop or Full Virtual Style.

They are inspirational and exciting to receive! Why spend time trawling the internet when you can have a personalised look book arrive in your inbox to shop with ease as and when you need it!

Click here for more details.

Personal Shopping

With shops and fitting rooms closed to us just now personal shopping has sadly been on hold! However, this service has gradually been adjusting to become a combination of the Full Virtual Style and Personal Shop. When the shops are open I will go and shop them myself for you and will bring the selection to your home! It's not the same as being out to the stores but it has so many other added benefits such as, you are in a more relaxing environment compared to some fittings rooms which occasional can not be relaxing or flattering! We also have the added benefit of your existing wardrobe to hand and so can make new pieces work with existing pieces ensuring everything has a purpose and value to add to your wardrobe.

If this is something you would also like to think about then contact me here.

So, there are just a few of the options that you may want to consider for 2021, to give yourself the time and investment it deserves for any kind of fact.... do you even need a reason???????

Contact me with any queries you may have or if you would like an initial consultation. It's time to start investing in you for now!

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